October Book Briefs

October brings some of my favorites. My favorite living theologian—Kevin Vanhoozer—has a new book that is sure to win many awards. It's remarkable. My favorite Puritan—John Owen—gets a sweet treatment from Crossway. My favorite pastor in Houston—Steve Bezner—published his first book. Quite the month!

Mere Christian Hermeneutics: Transfiguring What It Means to Read the Bible Theologically by Kevin Vanhoozer

If you have an interest in hermeneutics and the conversations around how to read the Bible toward/about/in view of Christ, you will love Vanhoozer's book. While it is not a popular-level read, it's not a difficult read either. Vanhoozer is such a good writer that he makes it easy to traverse with him through complex and scholarly topics. He is gifted at summarizing the ground covered at various points, helping readers maintain our bearings. I read an early copy while writing a chapter for my dissertation—thank you, KJV!—and I found it tough to not highlight every page. I love this book.

Sin and Temptation (Volume 15) in The Complete Works of John Owen by John Owen

John Owen's work on the mortification of sin, an extended meditation and application of Romans 8:13, is one of the most helpful things I've ever read. This volume includes the following works by Owen: “Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers”; “Of Temptation: The Nature and Power of It”; “The Nature, Power, Deceit, and Prevalency of Indwelling Sin”; and “A Treatise of the Dominion of Sin and Grace.” Each work has been edited with extensive introductions by Kelly M. Kapic, Justin Taylor, and Shawn D. Wright. You'll be helped by Owen.

Your Jesus Is Too American: Calling the Church to Reclaim Kingdom Values over the American Dream by Steve Bezner

I love Steve. Honored to be his friend and call him my pastor. He preaches and lives the values of the Kingdom, even when it's uncomfortable and against the grain of the American way.

Send: Loving Your Church by Praying, Giving, or Going by Jim Essian

A couple of years ago, I helped pick and recruit writers for this series of books. Jim Essian is the only person I wanted to write this book. He leads The Paradox Church in Fort Worth, TX in this reality of sending for the spread of the gospel. Honored to endorse it as well:

Mobility is an essential element in the mission of the church. Without it, we are swimming in sentimentality and dancing with disobedience. This book not only gives a biblical vision of gospel mission but wisdom and guidance from a pastor and church who are praying, giving, and going. Trust me, you want to learn from Jim. These pages are a testimony of what God has done—and can do for you. If you want to see members sent and churches planted for the name of Jesus, you are holding the right book.

What Do I Say When . . . ?: A Parent's Guide to Navigating Cultural Chaos for Children and Teens by Andrew Walker and Christian Walker

"Written by husband and wife duo Andrew and Christian Walker, this accessible and trusted guide helps busy parents quickly and effectively respond to their children’s questions on a wide range of topics, including abortion, sexuality, transgenderism, technology, political engagement, and more. Each chapter contains age-appropriate prompts for parents of children at different stages of development and maturity. Parents can refer to each chapter as specific questions arise, study hot-button topics for future reference, or access a range of conversation starters to proactively cultivate biblical truth within their child’s heart."

Loved Indeed: Reassurance for the Doubting and Suspicious by Dan Cruver

"This unique book takes us to a place of deep assurance. We can know that whatever happens, our faith doesn't depend on fickle feelings but is underpinned by the words of our omnipotent God himself. Secure in our heavenly Father's unconditional love, we relax in his warm embrace. Sharing in Christ's status, we enjoy the astonishing privilege, through the Holy Spirit, of crying, 'Abba, Father.'"