Meditate on Steadfast Love
There are times when we read the Bible and a word pops. It’s not unfamiliar or new, but something about it grabs the attention. This is when it is good to meditate on the word that jumped.
Let’s meditate on the steadfast love of God.
We have thought on your steadfast love, O God, in the midst of your temple. (Psalm 48:9 ESV)
There’s a variety of ways to translate this Hebrew word, hesed. The Christian Standard Bible often opts for faithful love. Strong. Helpful. The New Living Translation went with unfailing love. I like that too. If we blend these words, we can taste the dynamic flavors of the word hesed. I like the choice of steadfast from the ESV because it’s not an ordinary, everyday word. It’s perfect for describing the supernatural, every day love of God.
Steadfast means it can’t deteriorate. Divine love is not susceptible to the second law of thermodynamics. The gospel is a miracle. Physics has no authority over the steadfast love of God. God will resurrect our body chemistry because of his steadfast love.
Steadfast love can’t be exhausted. We don’t use it all up. We can’t overdraw the account with our sin. There is more love in God than there is sin us. God’s love is undepeletable. He has promised to love us now and into eternity.
Steadfast love means steady love. God’s love for his people isn’t hanging in the balance. No wishy-washy commitment. The risen Christ is a dependable Savior. You can count on him.
Steadfast love is strong. God’s love cannot be overpowered, overwritten, or under-deliver. An omnipotent God doesn’t possess a semi-capable love. God’s love reverses the black hole of sin and the grave.
Steadfast love isn’t moody. We didn’t earn his love. He loved us at our absolute worst. “But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Roman 5:8). God’s love doesn’t fluctuate. It doesn’t rise when we are reading the Bible, and crash when we close the book. Steadfast love depends on God’s nature, not ours.
What else strikes you about the steadfast love of God? Think on it. Thank him for it. Enjoy it.