Spiritual Theology - Issue #2
Spiritual Theology is not another branch of theology. It’s not wholly different from Christology, the precious doctrines on Christ, or Trinitarian studies, or even Eschatology. Spiritual theology isn’t the snooty cousin, a holier-than-thou practice of theology, looking down on systematic textbooks and Hebrew grammars. That is fleshy theology. No one can look down while focused on the things above, where Christ is sitting.
Spiritual theology reminds us of the telos—the end, the point—of theological work is the heart, the soul, the life. Loving God with our heart, soul, mind, and loving our neighbors. Spirituality wants to crucify any cul-de-sacs of theological learning. The risen Christ reminds us that there are no dead ends.
Theology is meant to go from the classroom to the living room, from a stack of books to serving others. Christian theology is all-terrain.
Spiritual theology is the friend that wants to connect our hearing to our doing. Theological information is for the purpose of worshipful transformation in the Christian—for us to become more like Jesus. Christian growth is more than just not doing icky things. Christian maturity, or Christlikeness, is when Jesus’s loves, passions, reflexes, views, impulses, and actions become ours. Moment by moment. Spiritual theology keeps us close to our living Lord, looking at him in adoration and for imitation.
“Spiritual theology is simply theology lived.”
— Eugene Peterson
If you missed the first issue, you can find it here. And if you are enjoying this newsletter, feel free to send it to a few others who might like it, and encourage them to subscribe.
The Harp
“I will sing to the Lord because he has treated me generously.” Psalm 13:6

God Is by Kanye West | Spotify
God Is is my favorite song on Kanye’s album, Jesus is King. The first time I heard this track, I kicked back in my chair and put my hands in the air and worshipped our great God.
The Charcuterie
Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the person who takes refuge in him! - Psalm 34:8
The Crossway Podcast: Habits for Better Bible Reading (Drew Hunter) on Apple Podcasts
Drew Hunter discusses advice for Christians eager to reinvigorate, or maybe jumpstart for the first time, a consistent Bible reading habit. He reflects on how to avoid viewing time in God’s Word as merely a task on a checklist, shares his thoughts on the pros and cons of reading plans, and more.
Recovering the Lost Art of Edification by Jared C. Wilson | For The Church
“There’s a lot falling apart these days, and I think Christians ought to be especially interested in building up. Sure, you could spend all your free time arguing with people online and otherwise grumbling about them in your heart, but you could also consider how constantly being set to ‘attack’ conflicts with the fruit of the Spirit.”
Why Is It So Hard to Read My Bible These Days? by Megan Hill | TGC
Daily Bible reading has declined during the pandemic. Megan Hill encourages us to look to the local church for encouragement to study the Scriptures.
www.thegospelcoalition.org • Share
Reignite Your Prayer Life by Donald S. Whitney | Desiring God
How’s your prayer life? Hardly any question can cause more chin-dropping, foot-shuffling embarrassment for Christians than asking about their prayer life. Why do so many followers of Jesus suffer with such unsatisfying prayer lives and consider themselves hopelessly second-rate Christians for it?
The Roast with Gravy

John Calvin is on the Mount Rushmore of Theologians. He wrote with clarity, beauty, personality, and concern for living the Christian life. This tiny book, taken from a larger work, will help you savor God’s goodness while encouraging you to follow Christ again and again, day after day.
The Sip
“The distinction between ‘biblical truth’ and ‘practical application’ is artificial. In the Bible, truth arrives in action.” — David Powlison
Thanks to Justin, friend and subscriber, for sharing this week’s quote with me. What a good word.
May the peace of our Lord be with you all,
Jeff Medders | SpiritualTheology.net
By J.A. Medders
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